Sunday 2 September 2012

Film Preview: Arbitrage

Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon continue the trend of bleak recession based dramas set around the big world of banking. The director is Nicholas Jarecki who is making his directing debut on the big screen here and also wrote the screenplay, he has big shoes to fill after the brilliance of Margin Call by J.C. Chandor that was released in early 2012 around a similar idea. The film was released at the Sundance Film Festival in January of this year and is scheduled to be released in the US on 14th September but no date has officially been set for the UK yet .

The film is based around Robert Miller (Richard Gere) who makes a big error when trying to sell his trading empire which means he has to look to an unlikely person for help. Look out for Tim Roth playing a Detective.

Arbitrage is released in the UK in early 2013 and the trailer is embedded below:

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